Taylor | Las Vegas Senior Photographer

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Melissa Jacks Photography is located in Las Vegas, NV and specializes in senior photography, personal branding photography, portrait photography and head shots. Melissa also does limited family and wedding photography.

Melissa shoots outdoors and specializes in the use of natural light. Melissa is known for creating a relaxed, fun environment for her clients.

Too see more of Melissa’s work, visit her on her instagram, her senior instagram, her facebook page or her website .

Melissa’s work has been featured on different blogs and websites. Here are a few of them- Lemonade & Lenses, Seniorologie, Best Las Vegas Photographers, St. Baldrick’s Foundation

Melissa offer’s a small number of shoots each month. Spaces are limited and fill early, especially weekend appointments. Book early to make sure you get a spot on Melissa’s schedule.

Melissa Jacks Photography can be reached at melissa@melissajacksphotgraphy.com and by text or message at 702-970-7025.



Hey there! I'm Melissa, the human behind the camera!


My goal is to make images with you that reflect the real YOU...all while having fun.


Our time together is more like hanging out with your awkward friend than a pressure filled shoot.


Let's get together on social media!